Natural Hazards Monitoring - 22 August 2023


United States of America (Update)

On 21 August 2023, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), published an update on the wildfires in Hawaii. There have been 114 deaths reported (3 increase since the 17 August report). In Maui County 11 shelters (1 increase) were opened with 1,837 occupants (1,558 increase). In addition, 1,905 people remain without power in Maui County, however, all cell towers have been restored. Separately, FEMA provided information regarding the Gray and Oregon Fires in Spokane County, Washington state where at least 20,170 total acres have burned, 220 residences were destroyed, 1,850 residences were threatened by the fires, and one death has been reported. Mandatory evacuations are in effect for both fires encompassing 4,000 people for the Oregon Road Fire and 1,000 people for the Grey Fire. The report is available at: FEMA