Natural Hazards Monitoring - 22 March 2023


Severe weather


On 21 March 2023, the Brazil Agency of Communication (EBC per its acronym in Portuguese), published information regarding the heavy rains in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. There were 5 deaths reported and 399 families are displaced. There are 33 municipalities in emergency status. Additionally, the heavy rains are affecting the state of Pará, where the municipality of Marabá has declared an emergency due the resulting flooding and 384 families were affected. The reports are available from: EBC and Prefeitura de Marabá


Peru (Update)

On 22 March 2023, the Peru Civil Protection (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish), published updated information on the effects of the heavy rains in the department of Piura. There were 20,422 people were affected (10,606 increase since the 17 March report). Additionally, 7,514 homes were affected (3,754 increase) and 656 homes were destroyed (349 increase). The report is available at: INDECI-Piura