WHO Global Fellowships Program

The PAHO/WHO Fellowships program is a technical cooperation tool that builds human resource capacity by training public health workers in country priority health needs. Since 1948, the PAHO/WHO Fellowships program has facilitated training programs for health practitioners and researchers from around the world. Fellowships are country-based with selection and funding provided at the country level.

Training Options

The type of training varies according to the program objectives, training needs, and available funding, and may include onsite, virtual or blended learning in the following:

Academic long or short-term study and/or research programs: Individuals or groups may pursue degree or non-degree studies and research at academic sites or training institutes. Fellows may also participate in specially-tailored training courses or workshops.

Study Tours: Study tours provide participants from one or more countries the opportunity to observe successful health programs in other countries and to meet and discuss relevant health issues with experts in their field.  The PAHO Regional Fellowships Office designs the study tour visits and arranges meetings and panel discussions with appropriate health organizations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, academia, and professional associations.  Program length is typically one to two weeks. For examples of Study Tours, click here.

Practical Experiences: Practicum experiences offer Fellows the opportunity to work, train, and observe on-site with a counterpart professional in their field in another country. Hands-on clinical work is not permitted. Program duration varies from one week to several months.

In-country Fellowships: Individuals or groups may participate in short- or long-term training programs or courses in their home countries, where suitable training facilities exist.

Application and Selection of WHO Fellows

  • Candidates apply through their home country Ministry of Health (MOH) and must be endorsed by the Ministry or related Health Authority, therefore application and selection process take place at the country level.
  • Individuals or groups are selected by an MOH-sponsored National Committee or Selection Committee, typically with PAHO/WHO representation.
  • Applications of the selected candidates are then submitted to the PAHO/WHO Country Office for processing the award documents and coordinating the training program, as needed.
  • The development of country training plans, determination of health priority training needs, and selection of appropriate candidates are all made at the country level by local health authorities, typically, in conjunction with PAHO officials. Funds are provided by the countries or technical units; no centralized Fellowship funds are available at PAHO/WHO.

For more information, please contact the PAHO office in your home country.

In addition, the Office of Eastern Caribbean Countries (ECC/CPC) has its own Fellowships webpage that can be accessed here.

WHO/PAHO Fellowships Administration

The Washington, D.C. PAHO/WHO Training & Fellowships is part of the larger WHO Global Fellowships program. Five of the WHO Regional Offices -AFRO, AMRO, EMRO, SEARO, and WPRO- have staff devoted to overseeing Fellowships within their respective Region.  For more information, click the link for each Region: