Immunization Data and Statistics

Vaccination coverage is the proportion of children in the Region receiving the recommended vaccines. In recent years, coverage with the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine (DTP3), the tracer vaccine, has remained around under 90% in the last 5 years. In 2020, approximately 85% of children aged under one year in the Region (approximately 12.4 million children) received 3 doses of the DTP3 vaccine, protecting them against infectious diseases that can cause serious illnesses and disabilities or be fatal.

Based on the work that countries with PAHO’s support have done, as well as existing data quality and data use frameworks, we have developed this process model. Governance and sustainability are the foundation with three main pillars – human resources, processes, and tools – which support the data cycle: data needs, data collection, data availability, analysis and interpretation, and finally the data use for decision-making. Each stage of the cycle is crossed by the quality and aims to increase the body of knowledge regarding what works for increasing data quality and data use, and why they work.

Monitoring data at the subnational level is critical to helping countries prioritize and adapt vaccination strategies and operational plans, to address vaccination gaps and reach all people with life-saving vaccines.


Key data


Regional coverage of DPT3 for 2022 was 85%.*



Out of 25 children under one year of age in the Region, 2 have been left completely behind or have not had any doses of DPT-containing vaccine; while 1 started the DPT-containing vaccine scheme but did not finish it.



For 2022, 13 countries and territories achieved 95% of DPT3-containing vaccine and 14 countries and territories reported reaching 80% of coverage in all their municipalities.



21 countries reported an increase on their DPT3 coverage between 2021 and 2022.



It is estimated that approximately 1.2 million children under one year of age have not received their first dose of DPT-containing vaccine scheme (zero-dose children), and nearly 2 million children have not received their third dose of DPT on time.


*Administrative data

Key documents

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