Better Care for Noncommunicable Diseases Dashboard

Welcome to the regional data portal for the Better Care initiative, a user-friendly platform dedicated to enhancing primary healthcare efforts. This portal serves as a comprehensive resource, compiling regional data to effectively monitor progress in managing chronic health conditions at the primary health care.
The monitoring portal is divided into three sections. The first focuses on indicators of the epidemiological context related to the management of chronic non-communicable diseases. The second part, still under development, seeks to demonstrate regional evidence in terms of the response structured by primary health care to the challenge posed by chronic non-communicable diseases. The third and final part contains evidence associated with monitoring the PAHO Better Care Initiative.

Section 1 – Epidemiological Context
Here, it is possible to examine data on mortality linked to chronic non-communicable diseases and evidence on care related to diabetes, cancer, respiratory, and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it is also possible to analyze evidence on healthy lifestyle indicators. The indicators grouped into these categories have been structured to enable comparisons between countries, monitoring progress towards the strategic objectives set for the region, as well as analysis of the profile of each country, sub-region, and the Americas as a whole. In this way, it is possible to get evidence regarding the different levels of progress across the region aiming to mitigate the impact of the challenge posed by chronic diseases.

The first set of monitoring panels is organized into three subsections:

  1. Cross-country comparison,
  2. Tracking progress and
  3. Location profile.

The cross-country comparison section provides comparative evidence between the different countries and sub-regions of the Americas. It is also possible to follow the trends linked to each indicator, with their respective geographical and gender breakdowns, as well as download the data used in the visualizations. In the tracking progress section, there are projection analyses showing the trends observed by the selected indicators, as well as how each country and sub-region of the Americas is evolving in relation to the strategic objectives defined for tackling chronic non-communicable diseases. The location profile section provides an overview, aggregated by geography, of all the indicators considered in this monitoring effort so that comparisons can be made between the different groups of diseases considered as priorities. This body of evidence here presented provides crucial data to enable the debate of strategies and the definition of prioritization criteria for the promotion of interventions capable of mitigating the deleterious effects of the high burden of chronic diseases present in the populations of the Americas.

Data Sources: The regional portal draws on data from multiple sources compiled by PAHO/WHO and other reliable sources.
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