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The Dominican Republic Vice-Ministry of Collective Health and the General Directorate of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (MoH) confirmed the first imported case of cholera in a patient traveling to the Altagracia Province. On 20 October, the Ministry of Health National Surveillance Laboratory Dr. Defilló confirmed a case of Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1, Ogawa serotype. The patient had a history of travel to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 15 days prior to entering the country. No contacts have presented with symptoms.
In Haiti, confirmed cholera cases continue to spread to new areas in the capital and around the greater Port-au-Prince area. In addition, 13 cases have now been confirmed in the Center Department, while suspected cases continue to be investigated in other departments.
Transportation of samples from other departments, including from the Artibonite and the Southern Departments to the National Laboratory of Public Health (LNSP) remain challenging due to roadblocks and lack of access to fuel.
As cases continue to spread across other regions of the country, cholera beds, medicines and other essential cholera supplies such as oral rehydration solution (ORS) and rapid tests are critical to continue response activities.