Epidemiological Report of the Americas, No. 2 June 2014: Leishmaniases

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[Presentation]. The strengthening health surveillance of leishmaniases in the Americas is one of the goals of the Regional Program of Leishmaniases of the Pan American Health Organization - World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO), which together with the Member States has been working actively in this regard.

In 2013, we implemented a Regional Information System for Leishmaniases - SisLeish - whose purpose is to aggregate and consolidate data on descriptive variables and occurrence of leishmaniases in the region and to provide epidemiological information to managers and health professionals when making decisions.

From 2012, through a joint effort of the National and Regional Programs of Leishmaniases, variables and epidemiological and operational indicators were standardized to perform the analysis of interest.

At the Regional Meeting of Leishmaniases Programs-RepLeish- held in October 2013, the SisLeish was presented and discussed, and an annual schedule to add data to the system was established.