Epidemiological Update - Resurgence of cholera in Haiti - 7 October 2022

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After more than 3 years with no cases of cholera reported in Haiti, on 2 October 2022, the national authorities reported two confirmed cases of Vibrio cholerae O1 in the greater Port-au-Prince area.

According to a 6 October 2022 statement from the Haitian Ministry of Health (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population, MSPP per its acronym in French), a total of 152 suspected cases of cholera, which includes 12 confirmed cases, 2 probable cases, 107 suspected hospitalized cases, and 4 institutional deaths, have been reported as of 6 October 2022.

Of the total reported cases, 55% are male and 49% are aged 19 years or younger. The most affected age group is 1 to 4-year-olds.