Rapid Mobile Phone Survey on Noncommunicable diseases and COVID-19: Saint Lucia, 2022

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The Rapid Mobile Phone Survey (RaMPS) on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) in Saint Lucia was conducted to understand people’s knowledge, behaviors, and service utilization about NCDs and gauge attitudes towards health policies.

The computer-assisted telephone interview survey was based on a sample of 2,003 adults aged 18 and older and employed random-digit-dialing (RDD) methods to produce key indicators stratified by sex. A total of 13,153 mobile phone numbers were dialed, of which 5,363 mobile phone users were contacted, and yielded 2,003 interviews. The cooperation rate* was 38.2%. Data were collected between November 2 and December 20, 2022.

*The cooperation rate is the number of complete interviews divided by the number of interviews (complete plus partial) plus the number of non-interviews that involve identifying and contacting an eligible respondent (refusal and break-off plus other).