Telehealth in the Americas

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Authors: Cesar Gaviria, Luigi R. Einaudi, Martha Elena Pinto de De Hart, Hector Mario Carril, Xavier Urtubey, Edgar Prieto, Hallam Hope, Roberto Rodrigues, Richard Van West, Fernando Picado, Mariano Galante, Marcelo Petrich, Natalia Amore, Verónica Soria, Natacha Dinsmann. 


The priority criteria of the information technology industry are innovation, productivity, access to data and information, and competitiveness. Its central objective accords more priority to combining diversity with principles of cost efficiency than it does to the pursuit of global (telecommunications) interoperability or the prevention-treatment of disease and its potential (health) complications. There three worlds, with their different language and codes, are complementary, and are essential to the development and implementation of telehealth networks, services and solutions. The Book on Telehealth in the Americas seeks to bring these three communities together by including in a single work the contributions made in this area by the different regional and international organizations involved, and by providing a compendium of some of the numerous telehealth experiences in the countries of the region: references, definitions, and proposed standards, guidelines, and practices.