Join us on June 28 at 11:00 am (EST) and attend the webinar "Resilient Health Systems and Services in the context of Emergencies and Disasters: from Policy to Practice".
This two-hour webinar will be hosted via Zoom, with simultaneous interpretation into English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and international sign language.
The objective of this webinar is to highlight lessons and best practices related to health emergency preparedness and risk reduction efforts as well as learn from past emergency response experiences in the Region, starting with the current COVID-19 pandemic that has further exposed the vulnerabilities of national health systems and services. We will present and discuss how to best incorporate these lessons to promote the development of resilient health systems and services in the Americas.
With this in mind, the webinar will focus on sharing global and regional successful experiences and strategies to advance emergency and disaster risk reduction as well as climate change adaptation and mitigation; promote an inclusive, multi-hazard approach to health disaster risk management, and foster the expansion of medical care delivery capacity through Emergency Medical Teams (EMT).
Over the past 20 years, national health systems around the world have faced challenges and crises that have directly affected their ability to respond to their population’s needs. During this period, one out of four disasters has occurred in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), resulting in 289,055 deaths and impacting nearly 277 million people, with estimated losses of over US$ 1.27 trillion. The Region of the Americas is a region at risk. 88% of the Region’s hospitals are exposed to hazards of natural origin–floods being the most recurrent, followed by hurricanes, landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic activity, with 43% of these facilities located in areas at high risk of exposure. Read more
The event will be organized in two parts:
An Institutional Session with thematic presentations from PAHO and WHO experts looking at key priorities and global and regional perspectives on resilience building in health.
A High-level Panel in a roundtable format. This session will facilitate experience sharing from various stakeholders of the Region of the Americas around meaningful preparedness and response efforts implemented at the country level.
*A chatroom will be open for the audience to submit questions at the time of registration and throughout the event.
11:00 - 11:10 am
Opening Remarks
Dr. Ciro Ugarte
Director, Health Emergencies
11:10 - 11:50 am
Key messages and global and regional perspectives
Resilient Health Systems
(10 min)
Dr. Amalia Del Riego
Unit Chief, Health Services and Access PAHO/WHO
Risk management and resilience of health services
(10 min)
Dr. Qudsia Huda
Unit Head, Disaster Risk Management and Resilience
WHO Health Emergencies Program
Resilient Hospitals:
Design, implementation, and evaluation
(10 min)
Dr. Awad Mataria
Director, Universal Health Coverage/Health Systems
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO)
The WHO-EMRO experience on Resilient Health Services.
(10 min)
Dr. Dalia Samhouri
Program Area Manager, Country Health Emergency Preparedness & IHR
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO)
11:50 am - 12:40 pm
Round table
Resilient Hospitals: Integrated networks of safe, sustainable, and inclusive health services
Moderator: Dr. Alex Camacho Advisor, Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction, PAHO/WHO
Hospital safety
(10 min)
Lic. Paola Pontoni
Department Head, Emergency and Disaster Risk Management, Ministry of Health of Chile
Smart Hospitals
(10 min)
Ms. Shalini Jagnarine
Consultant, Disaster Risk Reduction, PAHO/WHO Jamaica
Experiences in the deployment of emergency medical teams (EMTs)
(10 min)
Dr. Mario Vilchez
Director, CAED
Costa Rican Social Security Fund, Costa Rica
Implementation of the methodology for Disability Inclusion in Hospital Disaster Risk Management
(10 min)
Dr. Virginia Herzig
Director, Risk Management, Ministry
of Health of Guatemala
12:40 pm - 12:55
12:55 pm - 13:00 pm
Closing Remarks
Dr. Celso Bambarén
Unit Chief, Country Health Emergency Preparedness and IHR, PAHO/WHO
How to participate
Date: 28 June 2022
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (EST)
Concept note
Read the concept note for more information.
- Hospital Safety Index second version (ISH2)
- Disability inclusion in hospital disaster risk management (INGRID-H)
- Strategic Risk Assessment of Emergencies and Disasters in Health Facilities (STAR-H) -Available in Spanish-
- Virtual Course on Evaluation of Health Establishments through the Hospital Safety Index (ISHv2) -Available in Spanish-
- Self-study course: Multi-Hazard Response Framework: Hospital Planning for Response to Health Emergencies and Disasters - Available in Spanish-
- Self-study course: Hospital Incident Command System (SCI-H) -Available in Spanish-
- Virtual Course: Hospital Preparedness Assessment Tool for Violence (RAR) -Available in Spanish-