Launch of WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health in Paraguay

Within the framework of PAHO/WHO technical cooperation, Paraguay was selected to be part of this Special Initiative, whose main objective is to move towards universal mental health coverage. 

The virtual launch took place on 13 August with the participation of authorities from WHO in Geneva, PAHO/WHO in Washington D.C., and from the local Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare. The opening was in charge of Dr. Haydee Padilla, PAHO/WHO Representative in Paraguay, and Dr. Mirtha Rodríguez Rossi, Director of Mental Health of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare. The event was closed by Dr. Hernán Martínez, Vice-Minister of Integral Health Care and Social Welfare.

The Initiative's logical framework was made visible through a map drawn up by the main actors in the country's mental health program and the technical commission for mental health reform, with PAHO/WHO support. As part of this process, other representatives, especially from the civil society, participated in a series of interviews conducted virtually during the COVID 19 pandemic.

The activities included are aimed at strengthening national capacities to develop policies, plans, programs and services.

During the launch, all parties involved renewed their commitment to join efforts to promote mental health reforms, highlighting the importance of articulating actions with regional actors in the search for solutions in their local contexts.

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