Natural Hazards Monitoring - 4 October 2022



United States of America (Update)

On 4 October 2022, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), provided information on Hurricane Ian's passage in Florida indicating the focus remains on search and rescue operations, emergency debris removal, commodity distribution, restoration of critical utilities, including power and water, and damage assessments. The safety and security conditions remain on yellow alert due to ongoing search and rescue efforts focused in Lee County and Barrier Islands. Food, water, and shelter conditions remain at red alert level in part due to the continued disruption of water/wastewater services in Lee County and infrastructure and water assessments are ongoing. The government of Florida updated that there are currently 585,523 people without power and more than 2.1 million accounts have been restored in the state. Boil Water Notices have been issued for 151 areas, over 25 counties, following the impacts from Hurricane Ian. As of 4 October, 22 health care facilities previously evacuated have returned and are operational and 8 special needs shelters remain open, serving more than 715 clients, caregivers, and staff. Media has reported at least 101 deaths in Florida state, with 54 reported in Lee County. The reports are available at: FEMAFLGOV, and CNN


On 4 October 2022, the Mexico Federal Commission of Eletricity (CFE per its acronym in Spanish), provided information on Hurricane Orlene's passage in the country indicating at least 53,886 people were affected. To date, power outage has been restored to 68% of the affected people. Media reported the hurricane affected Mexico as category 1 and reached the state of Nayarit and Sinaloa where more than 400 people were evacuated. The reports are available at:  CFEInfobae and El Mercurio