The purpose of this course, online self-learning & tutor-guided, is to reduce mental health-related stigma and improve clinical and management skills among primary care providers when working with individuals that are experiencing mental health challenges.
This Course includes the following topics: Raising Awareness, The impact of Stigma, Challenging Stigma & Discrimination, Cognitive Behavioural Interpersonal Skills & Self-Management Strategies, Problem and Strength-based Assessment to Action Planning, Common Mental Health Challenges in Primary Care, Depression and Anxiety Self-Assessment Questionnaire.
The PAHO Mental Health Unit in partnership with the Mental Health Commission of Canada, developed a modified version of the Understanding Stigma / Cognitive Behavioral skills in-person training for primary healthcare providers.
For whom?
Primary care practitioners from Caribbean countries, including:
- MD general practitioners, specialized nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists and other mental health care providers directly involved in health services user care.
- Two or more years of clinical working experience in health care at the primary care level (preferably in mental health services).
- Interested in enhancing their capacity to understand stigma and implicit biases when treating mental health services user within their Primary Health Care networks.
- Have the support of the Ministry of Health /Supervising Body and from their own institutional work supervisors.
This course will be delivered via PAHO’s Virtual Campus for Public Health as a blended online self-learning & tutor-guided course.
July 30, 2021
Course will start August 11th to November 30, 2021
Sign up for the course
The process includes account set-up, application, selection and course enrollment, which takes place online through PAHO’s Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH).
How can I do it?
Create a user account on VCPH at www.campusvirtualsp.org, by clicking on “Create account” at the top of the webpage. Once logged-in, click on the tab “Call for applications”, and then on the application form to fill it. Provide the required documentation online by the deadline (July 30, 2021).