PAHO hosts virtual meeting to discuss increasing capacity to strengthen multisectoral action for tobacco control in the Region of the Americas

fist crushing cigarrettes

With the support of the WHO FCTC Secretariat-FCTC 2030 Project through funds from the Government of the UK, the purpose of the virtual meeting is to increase capacity to strengthen implementation of Article 5 (sections 1, 2 and 3) of the WHO FCTC in the Region of the Americas, specifically in low and middle-income (LMIC) Parties.

The WHO FCTC article 5 establishes provisions on general obligations for the WHO FCTC Parties. Article 5 sections 1 and 2 are related to developing and implementing comprehensive multisectoral national tobacco control strategies, plans and programs for tobacco control; establishing or reinforcing national coordinating mechanisms; as well as adopting and implementing effective legislative, executive, administrative and/or other measures for preventing and reducing tobacco consumption, nicotine addiction and exposure to tobacco smoke. Article 5 section 3 has to do with protecting public health policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry. These key aspects will be discussed during the virtual meeting, by means of reviewing available tools as well as learning from experiences of several countries across the Region of the Americas. 

Taking advantage of the virtual format, all Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Latin America (LA) WHO FCTC Parties and PAHO Member States non-Parties to the WHO FCTC will be invited to participate. The activity is designed to prioritize LMIC Parties in the Americas. The virtual meeting will be divided into 5 sessions starting March 12 until March 23, 2021, each session lasting 3 hours.

Session 1 
12 March 2021

This session will provide an overview of the WHO FCTC Article 5 (sections 1, 2 and 3), including progress, lessons learned and challenges in the Americas. This initial session will be regional in scope, including participation of CARICOM and LA Parties with a country focus on Colombia, Mexico, Antigua and Barbuda and Brazil’s country experiences.

Session 2 
16 March 2021 

This session will provide further information on the WHO FCTC Article 5 (sections 1 and 2), including a panorama of country efforts (specifically Guyana and Suriname), challenges faced, and tools for developing country plans.

Session 3 
17 March 2021 

This session will provide further information on the WHO FCTC Article 5 (section 3), including a panorama of country efforts (specifically Jamaica, Guyana and Grenada), challenges faced, and tools for developing country plans.

Session 4 
19 March 2021

This 3- session will provide further information on the WHO FCTC Article 5 (sections 1 and 2), including a panorama of country efforts (specifically Costa Rica, Bolivia and El Salvador), challenges faced, and tools for developing country plans.

Session 5 
 23 March 2021

This session will provide further information on the WHO FCTC Article 5 (section 3), including a panorama of country efforts (specifically Ecuador, Chile, Uruguay and Panama), challenges faced, and tools for developing country plans.