As part of the World Year of the Nurse, BIREME prospects projects with the UNIFESP School of Nursing
The International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, designated by the World Health Assembly as a way of recognizing the work of nurses, midwives and midwives around the world and advocating for greater investments in this workforce, began on January 1, 2020. , their employment conditions, education and professional development.
BIREME’s technical cooperation, as a PAHO/WHO specialized Center, with Latin American and Caribbean countries occurs through different pathways, including the official missions of BIREME/PAHO/WHO staff, whose specific objectives are to support the implementation of its technical cooperation program and its institutional alignment with the policies…
The 9th Meeting of the BiblioSUS Network in the state of Ceará took place on December 4th and 5th, at the headquarters of the Paulo Marcelo Martins Rodrigues School of Public Health, in Fortaleza. The event brought together researchers, managers and health professionals around the theme "Pathways of knowledge for health innovation”. The…
“Aloysius, a Community Health Work (CHW) arrives at the health post on his ATV, where he meets his colleagues setting up the health post for the day’s clinic. Patients are already having their vitals checked by the competently trained staff. One CHW is attending to Sandra, whose blood sugar is extremely high. Aloysius immediately springs into…
The 5th April 2019 was a sunny day, perfect for hosting an outdoor activity. After months of planning, the Solidarity Chain event was launched at Barbados’ Garrison Savannah to commemorate World Health Day under the theme Universal Health: Everyone, Everywhere. For Universal Health Day (UHD) which is recognized on 12 December, we…
“Phenomenal”. “Timely”. “A terrific opportunity”. These are just some of the sentiments expressed by Starlene Jones and Katrina Harte, two Lab Technologists from the Best-Dos Santos Public Health Laboratory in Barbados, who spent just shy of a month in Buenos Aires, Argentina in November, at the Antimicrobial Service del Instituto Nacional de…
The health of humans and animals is vitally interlinked. Thus, there is a shared responsibility and synergic potential for collaboration between public and animal health sectors to deal with potential infectious threats at the animal-human interface.
And so, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organization for Animal…
On 3rd December 2019 the University of Trinidad and Tobago launched Cardio-Val, a mobile health application and website that is geared towards the secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases among Trinbagonians. Cardio-Val was pioneered and developed by the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and funded under PAHO’s IS4H Initiative.PAHO/…
The 5th Session of the Scientific Committee (SC) was held on November 28 and 29, and it was attended by experts from Brazil (Information Technology), Colombia (Education and Knowledge Management), Costa Rica (Scientific Research), Cuba (Management Information) and Mexico (Scientific Communication). The Jamaican expert (Georgiana Gordon-…