Agenda for the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centres Webinar

DAY 1  

10:00 AM - Welcome to Participants, Dr. Sebastián García-Saisó, Director, Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health (EIH), PAHO/WHO 

10:00 AM - Opening Remarks, Dr. Carissa Etienne, Director, PAHO/WHO  

10:05 AM - Introduction to the Webinar, Ms. Eliane Santos, Advisor, Knowledge Management Team – Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health (KM-EIH), PAHO/WHO  

10:10 AM - PANEL 1: Technical cooperation and the priorities of the Region, Dr. Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Júnior, Assistant Director, PAHO/WHO (Moderator)   

  • Dr. James Fitzgerald, Director, Health Systems and Services (HSS)  
  • Dr. Anselm Hennis, Director, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health (NMH)  
  • Dr. Luis Andres De Francisco Serpa, Director, Family, Health Promotion and Life Course (FPL)  
  • Dr. Marcos Espinal, Director, Communicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health (CDE)  
  • Dr. Sebastián García-Saisó, Director, Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health (EIH)  

Q&A (5 min.)  

11:10 AM - PANEL 2: A regional perspective. Beyond our strategies: the relevance of CCs towards the achievement of the SDGs, Ms. Mary Lou Valdez, Deputy Director, PAHO/WHO (Moderator)  

  • Monitoring the achievement of the SDGs in the Region. How PAHO can improve its response to the SDGs through the work with CCs, Dr. Sebastián García-Saisó, Director, EIH, PAHO/WHO    
  • Advancing the SDGs in the Americas: opportunities for action, Dr. Gerry Eijkemans, Unit Chief, Health Promotion and Social Determinants, FPL and Regional Focal Point for SDG Global Action Plan, PAHO/WHO  
  • The Equity in Health Policy Assessment: Region of the Americas and the SDGs, Dr. Anna Coates, Chief, Office for Equity, Gender, and Cultural Diversity, PAHO/WHO  

Q&A (5 min.)  

11:40 AM - Break 

11:50 AM - PANEL 3: The partnership as a vehicle for the delivery of technical cooperation and Pan Americanism (SDG 17). PAHO’s work on South-South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation, Dr. Godfrey Xuereb, Director, Office of Country and Subregional Coordination, PAHO/WHO (Moderator)  

  • Partnerships as a crucial instrument to strengthen the Pan American health agenda, Mr. Alberto Kleiman, Director, External Relations, Partnerships & Resource Mobilization, PAHO/WHO 
  • How PAHO is effectively building international solidarity during emergency situations (COVID-19), Dr. Ciro Ugarte, Director, Health Emergencies (PHE), PAHO/WHO  

Q&A (5 min.)  

12:20 PM - Wrap-up of first day, instructions for Day 2, and invitation to visit Poster Session, Ms. Eliane Santos and Ms. Sandy Weinger, Specialist, KM-EIH, PAHO/WHO  

DAY 2  

10:00 AM - Concurrent Breakout Sessions  

  • Topic: Communicable Diseases, Environment and Climate Change (led by CDE)  
  • Topic: Noncommunicable Diseases, Risk Factors and Mental Health (led by NMH)  
  • Topic: Health Systems and Services, Universe Health Coverage, Research, Nursing and Bioethics (led by HSS)  
  • Topic: Family and Life Course, Health Promotion, Workers’ Health and Immunization (led by FPL)  
  • Topic: Evidence, Information Systems, Knowledge Management and Information (led by EIH)  
  • Topic: Health Emergencies and Preparedness, International Health Regulations (led by PHE) 
  • Topic: Legislation and Health, Human Rights and Equity (led by LEG)  
  • Topic: Communication in Health (led by CMU)  

12:00 PM - Lunch 

2:00 PM - Recognition of CCs that Submitted Posters and Voting Results 

2:15 PM - Presentation of the Concurrent Breakout Sessions  

2:45 PM - Comments and Questions from Participants  

3:00 PM - Closing Remarks, Dr. Sebastián García-Saisó, Director, EIH, PAHO/WHO  


Dr. Carissa Etienne, Director, PAHO/WHO 

Dr. Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Júnior, Assistant Director, PAHO/WHO 

Ms. Mary Lou Valdez, Deputy Director, PAHO/WHO 

Dr. Sebastián García-Saiso, Director, Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health (EIH), PAHO/WHO

Dr. James Fitzgerald, Director, Health Systems and Services (HSS), PAHO/WHO 

Dr. Anselm Hennis, Director, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health (NMH), PAHO/WHO

Dr. Luis Andres De Francisco Serpa, Director, Family, Health Promotion and Life Course (FPL), PAHO/WHO

Dr. Marcos Espinal, Director, Communicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health (CDE), PAHO/WHO 

Dr. Gerry Eijkemans, Unit Chief, Health Promotion and Social Determinants, FPL and Regional Focal Point for SDG Global Action Plan, PAHO/WHO 

Dr. Anna Coates, Chief, Office for Equity, Gender, and Cultural Diversity, PAHO/WHO

Dr. Godfrey Xuereb, Director, Office of Country and Subregional Coordination, PAHO/WHO 

Mr. Alberto Kleiman, Director, External Relations, Partnerships & Resource Mobilization, PAHO/WHO 

Dr. Ciro Ugarte, Director, Health Emergencies (PHE), PAHO/WHO 




The PDF version of the agenda can be found here