Polio Switch


The switch from the trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV) to the bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) will be a globally coordinated process and is scheduled to occur in April 2016. After this date, no manufacturers will produce or distribute tOPV, and any use of tOPV may jeopardize polio eradication due to the possible generation of circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses.
Timely planning and implementation of such a plan will allow countries to successfully recall and dispose of tOPV, minimize tOPV wastage, validate tOPV disposal, and contribute to a world free of circulating vaccine-derived type 2 polioviruses.
To meet this timeline, it is imperative that all OPV-using countries begin planning the switch in early 2015, and develop a National Switch Plan by July 2015.
