Alcohol promotion: why marketing regulation matters

Alcohol promotion: why marketing regulation matters

The implementation of alcohol marketing control falls at least partly outside the health sector but they need to be implemented in order to reduce alcohol affordability, leading to a delay in the initiation of youth to alcohol consumption, delay in their escalation to heavy drinking occasions, and a reduction in the appeal to drinking by heavy drinkers and those who chose to abstain. Existing self-regulatory measures are insufficient and have not led to any reduction in alcohol consumption. It is important to increase public and policy makers understanding of the need of marketing control, its value, so that related laws can be supported, adopted and enforced in all countries. Banning or regulating alcohol marketing is one of the key alcohol policies available to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. This fact sheet describes the many forms of alcohol marketing, how they affect consumption and heavy consumption, how they can be effectively regulated and enforced, and why they need to be implemented.