FAO/WHO framework for developing national food safety emergency response plans

FAO/WHO framework for developing national food safety emergency response plans

Many member states have requested that FAO and WHO provide technical assistance in the development of food safety emergency response plans. Reinforcing preparedness, and recognizing and responding rapidly to food safety emergencies are key elements of the food safety emergency-related programmes of FAO and WHO, namely the Emergency Prevention System for Food Safety (EMPRES Food Safety) and the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN). Several countries, most with well developed food control systems, have prepared response plans to document their actions during an emergency. However, there is currently no guidance that documents the best practices to use during the process of developing such plans, or what the plans should contain. The management of food safety emergencies is rarely the responsibility of a single national authority, and timely and coordinated collaboration among all partners is required to ensure an effective response.