Malaria Day in the Americas 2020. Guidelines for Commemoration, Communications, and Advocacy

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In September 2005, the 46th Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) adopted Resolution CD46.R13 which highlighted, among other things, the need to establish policies and operational plans to achieve a reduction of the malaria burden by at least 50% by 2010 and 75% by 2015; and to designate a Malaria Control Day in the Americas on a selected annual date, to recognize past and current efforts to prevent and control malaria, promote awareness, and monitor progress. Similarly, in May 2007, the 60th World Health Assembly passed resolution WHA60.18: “Malaria, including a proposal for establishment of World Malaria Day” which provides, among other things, that: “World Malaria Day shall be commemorated annually on 25 April or on such other day or days as individual members may decide…”