Webinar: Meeting the challenge of long-term care: What we need? Where to find it? Can we afford it?

Webinar: Meeting the challenge of long-term care: What we need? Where to find it? Can we afford it?
Meeting the challenge of long-term care: What we need? Where to find it? Can we afford it?

Date/Time: Tuesday, October 24 / 11:00 AM Eastern Time (Washington DC Time)

Webinar Recording 

This webinar, offered in English after a first Spanish version last August, is part of the contribution of the Association of Former PAHO/WHO Staff Members (AFSM) to the work of the Decade of Healthy Aging in the Americas (2021-2030). Its objective is to inform about how to plan care for older people to ensure a healthier and longer life. Older people in pre-retirement or retirees can benefit from this virtual event, as well as their caregivers.  

It will be presented by Martha Peláez, Ph.D. AFSM member and board member of the US National Council on Aging.  A panel of experts in long term care from USA and the Caribbean will talk about resources available throughout the region.