Strengthening and modernizing PROMESS: Towards a better distribution of essential medicines and medical devices in Haiti


A major renovation was carried out in the premises of PROMESS in order to ensure better storage and distribution of essential medicines and medical devices in Haiti.

The Essential Medicines Program (PROMESS) has been ensuring for more than 30 years the availability and accessibility of quality essential medicines and medical devices for public and private non-profit medical institutions in Haiti. A partnership managed by PAHO/WHO in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP), PROMESS is a key mechanism, particularly in the context of efforts to respond to humanitarian crises and health emergencies in the country.

However, as PROMESS's operational infrastructure had deteriorated over the years, a renovation had become essential to strengthen its operational capacity and improve the working conditions of staff.

Started in the second half of 2022 with financial support from the U.S. Department of State, the work focused primarily on improving temperature conditions for all medicines and medical supplies stored at PROMESS. The aim was to improve air circulation and storage conditions in cold rooms in order to increase the quality of vaccine storage and reduce the risk of fire.

In addition, the project acquired new equipment to increase the warehouse's loading capacity, strengthen storage facilities and secure vaccine storage through the purchase of a new backup generator.

The installation of a new incinerator was also a key aspect of the project, improving medical waste management. The renovation project also aimed to improve the working conditions of staff, by renovating the floors and rehabilitating external structures such as sidewalks or access ramps.

These improvements will enable PROMESS to continue to serve and distribute essential medicines and medical supplies throughout Haiti and to respond effectively to emergencies. The project highlights the importance of investing in infrastructure and logistical support to ensure the availability and accessibility of essential medicines and quality medical devices for vulnerable communities.