Vector Control Equipment Handover


On Friday 13th September, 2019 the Pan American Health Organization was happy to support the Ministry of Health through the provision of:

  • Personal protective equipment for use during vector control activities, namely 200 noise-control earmuffs and 134 facemasks.
  • Equipment for improved laboratory diagnostics for vector borne diseases and mosquito identification, namely 2 new microscopes and repairs to 6 existing microscopes.
  • Six entomology textbooks to support vector control activities.

This was a part of the PAHO’s continued work with Member States to strengthen and develop the capacity of health systems to prevent, control and eliminate vector transmission diseases, as week as to respond to outbreaks and epidemics.

Vector-borne diseases account for an estimated 17% of the global burden of communicable diseases and claim more than 700 000 lives every year. The burden is highest in tropical and subtropical areas such as the Caribbean. 


While controlling the spread of vector borne diseases is no easy task, a significant amount can be prevented through proper planning, implementation and an emphasis on sustainability.

Trinidad and Tobago, and by extension, the Americas have not been exempted from the emergence of new arboviruses such as such as those transmitted by zika and chikungunya.

This coupled with the occurrence of endemic vector borne diseases, such as dengue and yellow fever.

These diseases do not only affect the individual, but its impact extends to families, communities, as well as high health costs and burdens on a country's health system.

With this handover of vector control supplies, as well as the 500 malaria rapid diagnosis test kits and malaria medications previously donated, will assist the Ministry in the control of vectors and reduction of the occurrence and spread of vector borne diseases. 

PAHO looks forward to continued collaborations with the Ministry of Health and other partners to improve the health of the Peoples of the Trinidad and Tobago.