ILEP: World Leprosy Day 2020

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Do you know what you think you know about leprosy?

GENEVA, Switzerland – Imagine having the doctor refuse to treat you years after you have been cured of a disease. Having a nurse step back and adamantly not touch you though you started taking antibiotics months ago. Or having your family ostracised in the community. All because you were affected by leprosy. No one should go through such stigma or discrimination at any point in their lives, especially a vulnerable one.

Health-related stigma continues to be a major cause of discrimination and exclusion. Fear of stigma deters people from seeking healthcare when they may be affected by leprosy, adding to the risk of disability and ongoing medical issues.

On World Leprosy Day, Sunday 26 January 2020, ILEP and its Members call for States to use the UN Principles and Guidelines for the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, which were adopted by the Human Rights Council in 2010. They broadly mirror the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and provide a valuable roadmap for countries seeking to reduce discrimination and promote the human rights of persons affected by leprosy. By working together, we can achieve zero discrimination for people affected by leprosy and be one step closer to a world with zero discrimination and stigma.