Workshop for the generation of evidence to support health policies for the prevention and control of seasonal influenza: Health burden of influenza viruses and impact of the seasonal influenza vaccine

PAHO/WHO Alejandro Villamonte

Panama City, September 18-20, 2024. The Special Program Comprehensive Immunization (CIM) and the Emergency Unit (PHE) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) have held a regional workshop to estimate the health burden of respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses and the impact of the influenza vaccine in order to generate strategic information to support decision-making related to the prevention and control of seasonal influenza.

The national officials in charge of surveillance, data analysis, immunization and respiratory virus laboratories at the national level from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay and Uruguay participated in this workshop. The sessions focused on the use of available tools to estimate the burden of influenza-associated disease and assess the impact as a burden avoided by influenza vaccination. Risk communication sessions and scientific translation exercises were also held with the results generated by the countries.

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