Dialogue to strengthen capacities on gender and health, through the PAHO Virtual Health Campus


A structured dialogue took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29-30 October 2014, with the majority of academic coordinators and tutors of regional and decentralized versions of the gender and health virtual course, FGL/GD and Virtual Campus staff. The dialogue was organized around guiding questions to foster an exchange of lessons learned from the implementation and monitoring of the virtual course in gender and health (in the context of cultural diversity and human rights). The meeting was possible through the financial support of the Gender, Equity and Human Rights team of WHO.

The implementation of the gender and health virtual course constitutes core actions to implement the PAHO Gender Equality Policy and its corresponding Plan of Action, which is currently under evaluation. Outcomes from the structured dialogue provide fundamental inputs for the review of capacity-building materials and a renewed capacity development strategy on gender and cultural diversity.

Following the structured dialogue, GD staff participated in the face-to-face workshop within the decentralized virtual course on gender and health coordinated by Ministry of Health Argentina. The workshop was attended by participants of various regions of the country and delved into core concepts such as sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identities, the interaction between gender and other determinants of health, intercultural health and masculinities. The workshop concluded with student-tutor discussions around the final project of gender analysis of a health problem.