Technical Unit News

NCDsThe purpose of the event is to launch the Inter American Task Force on NCDs and discuss the collaboration among the Inter-American organizations and associated international institutions and agencies, to support Member…
 PAHO/WHO hosts International Consultation Meeting on HPV-Associated Oropharyngeal Cancer: Implications for Research, Education and Public Health in the Americas Washington, D.C., 4 June 2015 (PAHO/WHO) - Although oral and pharyngeal cancers are usually associated with tobacco and alcohol use, the incidence of HPV-associated oropharyngeal…
Call for awareness projects on illicit trade and tobacco taxationThe Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health of the Pan American Health Organization is calling for proposals for awareness projects…
In May 2014, the World Health Assembly adopted the historic resolution (WHA 67.15) "Strengthening the role of the health systems in addressing violence, in particular against women and girls and against children". The resolution requests the WHO Director-General to develop a global plan of action to strengthen the role of health systems in…
Peru: A Comprehensive Health Policy that Protects the Most Vulnerable USAID sponsored a course for more than 40 delegates from the Ministries of Health and Finance…
22 April 2015, Haiti—Training on the management of obstetric hemorrhage was held from April 13-15 2015 in the South Department of Haiti as part of the PAHO/WHO project "Zero Maternal Deaths by Hemorrhage." This training was implemented by the PAHO/WHO team in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and FLASOG (Federación…
22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion logo iuhpe2016 en-150pxThe Municipal Health Secretariat Curitiba, the International Union for Health Promotion…