NCDs and Risk Factors Indicators


This interactive table presents the set of indicators published in the technical document Noncommunicable diseases in the Region of the Americas: facts and figures published in 2019 which contains data from the WHO Global Health Estimates 2018 and the most recent data at the moment it was published. It allows readers to browse, access, and download the set of indicators on noncommunicable diseases and their common risk factors at regional, subregional, and national levels.


Detailed technical and methodological information can be found in the following documents:

Method of estimation of regional and subregional aggregates: Weighted average using population estimates from the World Population Prospects, produced by the United Nation Population Division.

Related Contents

- PAHO. NCD at a Glance: NCD mortality and risk factor prevalence in the Americas. Pan American Health Organization, Washington DC., 2019.

- PAHO. Noncommunicable diseases in the Region of the Americas: facts and figures. Pan American Health Organization, Washington DC., 2019.