SHAA2030 - Goal 6
Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030

Goal 6: Information Systems for Health
Strengthen information systems for health to support the development of evidence-based policies and decision-making.

This goal aims at improving information systems for health (IS4H),(1) which are essential in order to improve health policy and decision-making, as well as to measure and monitor health inequalities in the population, and progress toward the achievement of universal access to health and universal health coverage. Strong and comprehensive IS4H are also essential in order to strengthen the leadership and stewardship role of Ministries of Health. Key elements for these systems include:
- analysis of the level of maturity of the countries’ IS4H, as a first step to identify gaps and needs;
- data management and governance;
- information and communication technologies;
- knowledge management for health;
- national capacity-building for human resources and strengthening of infrastructure for data management and analysis;
- information systems for health, including electronic medical records and civil registries, that facilitate interconnectivity and interoperability through data integration processes in a systematic and routine manner.
- Develop a national policy for interoperable(2) information systems for health to generate, identify, collect, process, analyze, store, and make quality data and strategic information free and publicly available for better policy- and decision-making in public health and health planning (combined SDG target 17.18 and PAHO Strategy on Information Systems for Health, proposed).(3)
- Strengthen information systems for health to support the assessment of the national health system performance, as well as the monitoring and reporting on progress toward achievement of national, regional, and global health objectives, including the health-related SDGs, and SHAA2030 targets, among others.
- Strengthen capacity for analysis and the use of information for decision-making at the national and subnational levels (adapted from PAHO Strategic Plan outcome 4.4 and SDG target 17.18).
- [1] Information Systems for Health (IS4H) is an integrated effort for the convergence of interconnected and interoperable systems, data (including health and vital statistics), information, knowledge, processes, standards, people, and institutions, supported by information, and communication technologies that interact (or help) to generate, identify, collect, process, store, and make free and publicly available, quality data and strategic information for better policy- and decision-making processes in public health systems.
- [2] The term “interoperability” refers to communication between different technologies and software applications for the efficient, accurate, and sound sharing and use of data. This requires the use of standards, i.e., rules, regulations, guidelines, or definitions with technical specification to make the integrated management of health systems viable at all levels. Source:
- [3] PAHO. The Caribbean Information System for Health Project: Advancing Public Health in the Caribbean Region. Washington, D. C. November 22, 2016.