• Corozal Community Hospital site visit

Making the Corozal Community Hospital in Belize more Disaster-Resilient and Climate-Friendly

Building the Corozal Community Hospital to be ‘smart’ – disaster-resilient (safe) and environmentally-friendly (green)

Belize is known for its natural beauty and vast biodiversity. However, Belize’s exposure to weather-related hazards with some low-lying terrain makes the country prone to the impacts of natural hazards such as hurricanes, storms, and especially flooding. Thus, disaster preparedness and response are crucial…

As part of the European Union (EU)-funded Health Sector Support Programme Belize (HSSP), the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) has been implementing a multi-year project with total funding from the EU of 8.8 million euros with the overall goal of “achieving a better quality of life, for all Belizeans, living now and in the future.”

As one of the largest projects being implemented in Belize, HSSP is a project created under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). The project prioritizes disaster-resilient, and environmentally friendly health facility strengthening the structure, organization, and management of health services, and improving Belize’s health information system.

“Achieving a better quality of life, for all Belizeans, living now and in the future"


Corozal Community Hospital Building


Located on the northern bay of the Corozal District in Belize is the town of Corozal. Forming the border between Mexico and Belize, the town has approximately 10,000 residents. Serving the town and surrounding villages and communities, the Corozal Community Hospital has been selected as one of six health facilities in the country to become a 'smart' facility under this project. 

Minister Michel Chebat of MoHW appreciation at the Corozal Community Hospital

As the lead contributor to global health, the EU has been partnering with PAHO/WHO Belize for almost 20 years in various health projects – the HSSP Belize project being one of the largest funded health projects in the country.



“Strengthening the health system in Belize has become even more significant now due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has changed and affected not only Belizeans but also the global health system,” said Mr. Aniceto Rodriguez, Head of Cooperation for the EU. “The EU will continue assisting the Ministry of Health and Wellness through its Health Sector Support Programme. Today’s visit to the Corozal Community Hospital is a landmark to unveil what will be the future renovations. I thank you (PAHO/WHO and MoHW) for the excellent joint effort to implement together those vital projects for the well-being of all Belizeans.”

By 2023, Corozal Community Hospital

will be enhanced with:

After consultations with the staff and management, the proposed scope of works for the Corozal Community Hospital includes renovating and reorganizing the entire emergency area of the hospital, upgrading the hospital to withstand hurricanes, improving the electrical and plumbing systems, among other interior and exterior renovations.

Retroffiting works to be done for the Corozal Community Hospital

Rendering Images of Retrofitting Works

Rendering of the Emergency Bay for Corozal Community Hospital
Rendering of the Nurses Area for the Corozal Community Hospital
Rendering of the Trauma Room for Corozal Community Hospital
Rendering of the Triage Area for Corozal Community Hospital
Rendering of the Waiting Area for the Corozal Community Hospital