Action Plan PHEFA 2021-2025

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At the end of the Action Plan 2011-2020, the South American territory officially recognized free from Foot-and-Mouth Disease has increased from 67.6% in 2010 to 94.7% by the end of 2019. The herds free from foot-and-mouth disease, which at the beginning of the current action plan accounted for 63.7% increased to reach 97.4% and bovine and buffaline free populations raised from 84.4% to 95.4%. Nearly 5% of the territory, of the herds and the cattle population of South America have no animal health status recognition by the end of 2020, including the whole territory of Venezuela. On the other hand, North America, Central America and the Caribbean remained without foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks during the 2011-2020 period as a result of a foot-and-mouth disease prevention policy with high levels of protection.