What Works Global Summit 2022: Recovery and resilience

What Works Global Summit 2022: Recovery and resilience
Logo WWGS 2022

What Works Global Summit 2022: Recovery and resilience is focused on evidence synthesis to inform decision-making in social sciences, hosted by Campbell Collaboration and UK & Ireland Campbell Centre and cosponsored by The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).

The conference is online and free to attend from Oct 18-20, 2022 and designed to accommodate different global time zones.

WWGS 2022 Registration is now open!

There are three plenaries on evidence synthesis in child protection, education and countering violent extremism. Parallel sessions are focused on climate solutions, social welfare, ageing, children and young persons' well-being, education, international development, knowledge translation, machine learning, stakeholder engagement and method innovation.  re-conference workshops on searching and using eppi-reviewer are also free.  There are opportunities for one-on-one networking and group networking during the conference.

Download the full program.