Washington DC, November 12, 2024 (PAHO) - The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) supported the XVIII Pan American Nursing Research Colloquium, held November 6-8, by the School of Nursing of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, in Santiago, Chile. Under the theme “Innovation and impact of nursing research and leadership,” the event brought together more than 600 participants from 16 countries, with a scientific program that included the presentation of more than 700 studies relevant to nursing education and practice.
“PAHO has supported and will continue to support these colloquiums, as it believes that fostering research, especially in the area of nursing, is fundamental to advancing the human resources for health development agenda in the Americas region,” said Benjamín Puertas, PAHO’s unit chief, Human Resources for Health.
In his opening remarks, Puertas underscored PAHO's commitment to technical cooperation initiatives with countries, academic institutions, associations and collaborating centers that seek to strengthen human resources in the region.
The Colloquium's sessions and panels allowed for important reflections and debate on topics such as: nursing's contribution to health equity, funding and ethics in scientific research, the development of nursing research with a focus on social determinants and actions at community level, the process of developing evidence-based health policies, the contributions of advanced practice nurses to health systems and collaborative practice in interprofessional teams.
“PAHO is always committed to promoting interprofessional work, and nursing plays an essential role in the integral and articulated approach to the quality of care”, said Dr. Giovanni Escalante, representative of PAHO/WHO Chile.
During a week of activities, the PAHO/WHO representatives also participated in parallel events, such as the VII Meeting of the International Nursing Networks (RIEs); the 4th Latin American and Caribbean Summit of the Pan American Federation of Nursing Professionals (FEPPEN); the International Nursing Seminar, promoted by the Colegio de Enfermeras de Chile, FEPPEN and Universidad Andrés Bello; and the Annual Meeting of the Pan American Network of Nursing and Midwifery Collaborating Centers (PANMCC). In addition, bilateral meetings were held with other nursing stakeholders and leaders in the Region.
Photo credit: PAHO/Gonzalo Palma
“Opportunities were identified to develop nurses' competencies for the development and dissemination of knowledge and for leadership positions, expanding the contributions of nurses in decision-making arenas and in the strengthening of health systems and services,” said Bruna Moreno Dias, international consultant at PAHO's Human Resources for Health Unit.
This agenda of activities reinforces PAHO's commitment and cooperation actions to strengthen the nursing workforce and interprofessional health teams in the Region of the Americas.