Guatemala implements WHO's QualityRights initiative

The first intensive training related to WHO's QualityRights initiative was jointly organized by PAHO/WHO and CBM in Guatemala City, September 27-30. There were thirty participants, mainly health professionals from Guatemala's Ministry of Public Health, as well as from other organizations and associations: the National Commission on Disability (CONADI), Alas Pro Salud Mental, Colectivo Independiente, two professionals from Nicaragua and Bolivia, and representatives of civil society.


The instrument´s six basic modules were addressed during the five days event, with active participation and great motivation. This first training is considered an opportunity for empowerment through the acquisition of tools related to the international legal framework. It provides knowledge of effective strategies to ensure the legal capacity of persons with psychosocial disabilities (informed consent, treatment and recovery plans led by the persons themselves, decision-making support, advanced planning and avoidance of detention and involuntary treatment). The prevention of violence and coercive measures in health services was also addressed in a general manner.

The training ended with a joint discussion on the measures and work plan for implementing the program in the country. More trainings with participants from other sectors, such as health and justice, are contemplated.