Washington D.C., September 1, 2023 (PAHO). The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on vaccine-preventable diseases of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) recommended in its latest report this year that the countries and territories of the Americas should use the single-dose schedule of the vaccine against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cervical cancer. This recommendation is in line with those made by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022.
HPV infection causes 59,439 cases of cervical cancer and 31,582 deaths due to cervical cancer each year in the Region of the Americas. Vaccination can prevent infection and precancerous cervical lesions.
Currently, 47 countries and territories in the Region of the Americas have introduced the HPV vaccine in their national schedule (92% of the total number of countries in the Region). The vaccine used is mainly quadrivalent, and last year, 27 countries reported that, in addition to girls, they have introduced the vaccine for boys.
A single dose of HPV vaccine is sufficient to elicit an immune response that provides similar protection as a multidose regimen against initial and persistent HPV infection.
So far, ten of 47 countries and territories in the region (Anguilla, Barbados, Bolivia, Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Montserrat, Peru, and the Turks and Caicos Islands), or 23% of the total, have already switched to a single-dose schedule.
The members of the TAG are experts in areas related to vaccines and immunization from Latin America, the Caribbean, Canada and the United States. As part of its activities, after each meeting, such as the last one on May 31, the TAG issues recommendations that provide technical guidance on optimal strategies and tactics to achieve the overall goals of the Special Program Comprehensive Immunization in the Region.
Download the TAG's HPV vaccine recommendations document from here.