Two new virtual courses on alcohol available for English and Portuguese speakers


Two new virtual courses on alcohol are now available on PAHO´s Virtual Campus for Public Health. These self-learning and free courses are aimed for English and Portuguese speaking health professionals: "Alcohol Policy Advocacy" and "Uso de Álcool e Saúde da Mulher Gestante" (Alcohol use and Health in Pregnant Women).

Alcohol Advocacy Policies

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"Alcohol Advocacy Policies" prepares participants to be effective advocates for alcohol policies. Participants who complete the course will understand what advocacy is; why alcohol policy advocacy is needed; who should be involved; and how to develop, implement, and evaluate effective campaigns.

This course is in English and includes an introduction and eight modules as well as an evaluation and certification session.

It is recommended that the student already has knowledge about alcohol policy. If not, the virtual course, "Virtual Course on Public Health Policy for Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse" can be taken previously in preparation for the course on "Alcohol Policy Advocacy".

Uso de Álcool e Saúde da Mulher e Gestante

alcohol pregnancy course port

The second course, "Uso de Álcool e Saúde da Mulher e Gestante" offers training and up-to-date information about alcohol-related issues during pregnancy.

The participants will understand how alcohol use affects women's health, pregnant women and the health of the fetus. Students will also learn how to motivate women of childbearing age, expectant and breastfeeding mothers to make healthy decisions about their alcohol consumption. It is aimed to Portuguese speaking health professionals, although an English version is in preparation.

The course includes an introduction and seven modules.
