Rational Use of Medicines and Other Health Technologies

The promotion of rational use of medicines through policies, structures, information, and education includes national body to coordinate policies on medicine use; evidence-based clinical guidelines for training, supervision and supporting decision-making; lists of essential medicines used for medicine procurement and insurance reimbursement; medicines and therapeutics committees in districts and hospitals to monitor and implement interventions to improve the use of medicines; continuing medical education; independent and unbiased information about medicines for health personnel and consumers; elimination of financial incentives that lead to improper prescribing; regulations to ensure that promotional activities meet ethical criteria; and adequate funding to ensure availability of medicines and health personnel.

Woman with deworming medication
Fact sheet

The promotion of rational use of medicines through policies, structures, information and education includes:

  • A national body to coordinate policies on medicine use
  • Evidence-based clinical guidelines for training, supervision and supporting decision-making
  • Lists of essential medicines for medicine procurement and insurance reimbursement
  • Medicines and therapeutics committees in districts and hospitals to monitor and implement interventions to improve the use of medicines
  • Continuing medical education
  • Independent and unbiased information about medicines for health personnel and consumers
  • Elimination of financial incentives that lead to improper prescribing
  • Regulations to ensure that promotional activities meet ethical criteria
  • Adequate funding to ensure availability of medicines and health personnel.