This is the fifth meeting in a series of virtual seminars that are being developed to discuss strategies to increase access to health in the Americas, with a Primary Health Care (PHC) perspective.
Date: Tuesday, November 21st, 2023
Hour: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. (EST)
This event aims to analyze the role of traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM) in advancing toward integrated and people-centered health systems and services in the Region of the Americas, in the context of existing PAHO/WHO frameworks and mandates on T&CM and intercultural health in PHC.
With the participation of policymakers; health care leaders; health and care workers; and civil society, this meeting will draw on multiple perspectives and experiences on the topic in an effort to adequately understand the role and potential of T&CM within PHC, for safe and quality health care.
This seminar also aims to improve the visibility of existing evidence supporting the use of safe and effective T&CM interventions in PHC, and the adoption of policy actions to harness the potential contribution of T&CM to health, well-being and health care centered on people and communities.