Strategies to ensure access to health services: overcome barriers and guarantee continuity

Strategies to ensure access to health services: overcome barriers and guarantee continuity
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This was the first webinar in the series on Primary Health Care to discuss strategies to ensure access to health services. To achieve this, it was necessary to understand and address the wide range of factors that act as access barriers, considering the specific characteristics and needs of territories and populations.

The discussion revolved around the question:

How can we implement the PHC approach in territories and populations facing differentiated access barriers?

The objective of the seminar has been to promote the reflection of a diverse group of high-level panelists, motivated by two regional reports that PAHO/WHO will present at the activity.. The first report, "Analyzing and Overcoming Access Barriers to Strengthen Primary Health Care," and the second is about the results of the "Fourth round of the national survey on the continuity of essential health services during the COVID-19" pandemic, providing valuable lessons on the relevance of service continuity.

Main presentation: 

Video in English:  

Video in Spanish:

Video in French:

  Video in Portuguese:  



Natalia Houghton, specialist in Health Systems Monitoring, Evaluation and Analysis, PAHO/WHO: Moderation

Jarbas Barbosa, director of the Pan American Health Organization: Welcome and introduction

Ernesto Báscolo, Chief of the Primary Health Care and Integrated Service Delivery Unit, PAHO/WHO: The role of primary health care in overcoming access barriers and ensuring continuity in the provision of health services.

Bruce Chater, Chair of the Working Group on Rural Practice of the World Organization of Primary Care Physicians (WONCA): Incorporating the rural perspective into health strategies, plans and programmes to mitigate barriers to access

Mirna Kay Cunningham Kain, former Chair of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues: Development of interculturality at the first level of care to overcome the barriers experienced by indigenous populations.

Sergio Minué, international consultant on PHC, PAHO/WHO: Integrated people-centered care to ensure continuity of care and reduced waiting times.

Dheepa Rajan, Health Systems Advisor, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO: Findings from PHC implementation, and best practices to act on barriers to financial accessibility.