174th Session of the Executive Committee

Official photo of the participants of the 174th Executive Committee meeting
PAHO/WHO/David Spitz

Washington, D.C., 24–28 June 2024

The Executive Committee is composed of nine Member States of the Organization, elected by the Conference or the Council for overlapping periods of three years. The Committee, which meets twice a year, acts as a working party of the Conference or Council. Special meetings are convoked by the Director of the Bureau either on his/her own initiative or upon request of at least three Member States. The Committee has an auxiliary advisory body, the Subcommittee on Program, Budget, and Administration.

Official Documents | Working Documents | Information Documents | Diverse Documents

Official Documents

  • OD370
    - Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for 2023

Working Documents

  • CE174/1
    - Agenda
  • CE174/2
    - Representation of the Executive Committee at the 61st Directing Council of PAHO, 76th Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas
  • CE174/3
    - Draft Provisional Agenda of the 61st Directing Council of PAHO, 76th Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas
  • CE174/4
    - Report on the 18th Session of the Subcommittee on Program, Budget, and Administration
  • CE174/5
    - PAHO Award for Health Services Management and Leadership 2024
  • CE174/5, Add. I
    - PAHO Award for Health Services Management and Leadership 2024
  • CE174/6
    - Engagement with non-State Actors
  • CE174/7
    - Non-State Actors in Official Relations with PAHO
  • CE174/8
    - Report of the Ethics Office for 2023
  • CE174/9
    - Report of the Investigations Office for 2023
  • CE174/10
    - Report of the Audit Committee of PAHO
  • CE174/11
    - Appointment of One Member to the Audit Committee of PAHO
  • CE174/12
    - Preliminary Report of the End-of-biennium Assessment of the PAHO Program Budget 2022-2023/Second Interim Report on the Implementation of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2020–2025
  • CE174/13
    - Strategy and Plan of Action to Decrease the Burden of Sepsis through an Integrated Approach 2025–2029
  • CE174/14
    - Policy for Strengthening Health Sector Action on Climate Change with Equity
  • CE174/15
    - Plan of Action for Strengthening Information Systems for Health 2024–2030  
  • CE174/16
    - Policy on Long-term Care
  • CE174/17
    - Strategy for Strengthening the Essential Public Health Functions to Accelerate Health Systems Transformation 2024–2034
  • CE174/18
    - Strategy and Plan of Action to Strengthen Tobacco Control in the Region of the Americas 2025–2030
  • CE174/19
    - Strategy on Integrated Emergency, Critical and Operative Care 2025–2030
  • CE174/20
    - Strategy on Epidemic Intelligence for Strengthening Early Warning of Health Emergencies 2024–2029
  • CE174/21
    - Report on the Collection of Assessed Contributions  
  • CE174/21, Add. I
    - Report on the Collection of Assessed Contributions 
  • CE174/22
    - Programming of the Budget Surplus
  • CE174/23
    - Programming of the Revenue Surplus
  • CE174/24
    - Report of the Office of Internal Audit for 2023 
  • CE174/25
    - Report on the Master Capital Investment Fund and on the Master Capital Investment Plan Implementation
  • CE174/26
    - Update on the Status of the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women and Reproductive Health
  • CE174/27
    - Report on the Charge Assessed on the Procurement of Public Health Supplies for Member States
  • CE174/28
    - Human Resources Management in the Pan American Sanitary Bureau
  • CE174/29
    - Update on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in PAHO
  • CE174/30
    - Statement by the Representative of the PAHO/WHO Staff Association

Information Documents


  • CE174.R1
    -  Collection of Assessed Contributions
  • CE174.R2
    - Strategy and Plan of Action to Decrease the Burden of Sepsis through an Integrated Approach 2025–2029
  • CE174.R3
    - Plan of Action for Strengthening Information Systems for Health 2024–2030
  • CE174.R4
    - Policy on Long-term Care
  • CE174.R5
    - Strategy for Strengthening the Essential Public Health Functions to Accelerate Health Systems Transformation 2024–2034
  • CE174.R6
    - Strategy on Integrated Emergency, Critical and Operative Care 2025–2030
  • CE174.R7
    - Strategy and Plan of Action to Strengthen Tobacco Control in the Region of the Americas 2025–2030
  • CE174.R8
    - Strategy on Epidemic Intelligence for Strengthening Early Warning of Health Emergencies 2024–2029
  • CE174.R9
    - Update on the Status of the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women and Reproductive Health
  • CE174.R10
    - Review of the Charge Assessed on the Procurement of Public Health Supplies for Member States
  • CE174.R11
    - Programming of the Budget Surplus
  • CE174.R12
    - PAHO Award for Health Services Management and Leadership 2024
  • CE174.R13
    - Appointment of One Member to the Audit Committee of PAHO
  • CE174.R14
    - Non-State Actors in Official Relations with PAHO
  • CE174.R15
    - Policy for Strengthening Equity-Oriented Health Sector Action on Climate Change and Health
  • CE174.R16
    - Provisional Agenda of the 61st Directing Council of PAHO, 76th Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas

Diverse Documents