UN Inter-Agency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases Awards 2021

Call for nominations now OPEN

Deadline: 17 April 2021

The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases is calling for nominations for the 2021 Awards to recognize achievements during 2020 on multisectoral action in the prevention and control of NCDs, mental health and the wider NCD-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 2021 is the fourth year that the Awards Scheme has been running.


Awards will be made in four categories:

1. Ministries of health and government health agencies

2. Ministries and government agencies outside health

3. UN country teams

4. Non-governmental organizations, academia and foundations. (Note: the nominator must complete WHO’s standard form for declaration of interests. The organization being nominated must complete the arms and tobacco disclosure statement. Both forms must be submitted to unncdtaskforce@gmail.com).

Nominations for individuals are not permissible.

Who can make nominations

Anyone can submit a nomination however nominations cannot come from an individual working in the institution being nominated.

What we are looking for:

  • Those being nominated should demonstrate an outstanding contribution to multisectoral action in the prevention and control of NCDs, mental health or other NCD-related SDGs at a local, national, regional or international level.
  • The application should describe how the institution, agency or organization being nominated has demonstrated the ability to:
    • Create new and innovative approaches and activities;
    • Lead the agenda and work with partners;
    • Mobilize resources, knowledge and expertise;
    • Meet challenges and overcome significant obstacles;
    • Act as an exemplar to others.

We encourage nominations that highlight action taken by children and youth groups as well as those working with minority communities.

We encourage nominations that highlight action on the NCD-related SDGs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to submit a nomination

The nomination form can be accessed in the following button:

Nominations form

Nominations should be written in English. Should you experience any issues accessing the nomination form please send an email to unncdtaskforce@gmail.com.

Information required

  • The name and address of the institution, agency or organization being nominated;
  • The name and email address of a focal point in the institution, agency or organization
  • that is being nominated;
  • The name and email address of the nominator along with the organization the nominator is working for as well as the relationship to the institution, agency or organization that is being nominated;
  • Reasons for the nomination. It is important that outcomes are fully described. Links to relevant publication on the internet are encouraged to enhance information available to the selection committee (maximum 4500 characters);
  • For non-governmental organizations, academia and foundations. (The nominator must complete the WHO standard form for declaration of interests. The organization being nominated must complete the arms and tobacco disclosure statement. Both forms must be submitted to unncdtaskforce@gmail.com).

How the winners are selected

Winners will be selected by a panel that consists of members of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases.

Closing date

17 April 2021

Announcement of awards

Awards will be announced in the latter half of 2021.