PAHO supports Guyana and the Caribbean Regulatory System in the fight against COVID-19

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Washington D.C., June 24, 2020 (PAHO)— The National Regulatory Authority of Guyana (Government Analyst, Food and Drug Department) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency/ Caribbean Regulatory System (CARPHA/CRS) adopted the PAHO recommended procedure of reliance for Emergency Use Authorization in the COVID-19 pandemic. The agencies have taken official policy decisions to adopt the procedure for medicines, vaccines, and diagnostics kits. 

This means that Guyana can move quickly to incorporate COVID-19 products into their health system, if such products are granted emergency use authorization by another trusted regulatory authority. The CRS can also apply the procedure and recommend verified products to all CARICOM Member States.

Some diagnostic test kits are already eligible, and PAHO’s work is part of a broader strategic engagement to prepare countries to introduce life-saving COVID-19 medicines and vaccines in the most expeditious, but scientifically robust way possible.

“Guyana and CARPHA are showing leadership that will hopefully inspire other countries to adopt these same policies,” said Analía Porrás, PAHO unit chief of Medicines and Health Technologies. 

The document “Reliance for Emergency Use Authorization of Medicines and Other Health Technologies in a Pandemic (e.g. COVID-19)” provides guidance to national regulatory authorities and regulatory systems on practical ways to implement reliance for emergency use of medicines and other health technologies in and around a pandemic.