Universal Health Day (also known as Universal Health Coverage Day – UHC Day) is celebrated on December 12th every year and is the annual rallying point for the growing movement for Universal Health to ensure that everyone, everywhere, has access to quality health services, when and where they need them, without exposing them to financial hardship.
PAHO regional event
During the celebration of Universal Health Day 2020, in addition to supporting the Global Campaign, the central regional event will be a webinar to launch the publication entitled “The Essential Public Health Functions in the Americas: A Renewal for the 21st Century”.
When: Friday, December 11, 2020, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (EST)
Primary audience: decision-makers in policy formulation at all institutional levels, health teams, professionals from academic institutions and social movements
Languages: the event will be streamed in English and Spanish
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/pahotv
This event is an opportunity to promote the implementation of the new EPHF framework at the country level.