Webinar: Research and Regional Collaboration in Oncology and Personalized Medicine

Webinar: Research and Regional Collaboration in Oncology and Personalized Medicine
Oncology and Personalized Medicine

Virtual seminar series on human genomics for health

The Science and Knowledge for Impact Unit (SK/EIH) of PAHO invites you to participate in this series of virtual seminars on topics related to human genomics for health.

This second session will focus on the importance of regional collaboration to maximize the impact of research in personalized medicine in oncology, promoting innovative and equitable health solutions across the Americas.

The webinar will be held on Thursday, February 6, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm (Washington DC time).

English - Spanish translation will be available.



Opening Session 

-Ludovic Reveiz, Science and Knowledge for Impact Unit, Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health Department (PAHO)

-Mauricio Antonio Maza Segura, Cancer Prevention and Control (PAHO)

Population Contribution and Ancestries in Breast Cancer Risk Development (12 min.) 

Laura Fejerman, EE. UU.

  • Women’s Cancer Research and Care Program - University of California, Davis, USA

Building Research and Collaboration Networks in Oncology across Latin America (12 min.) 

Carlos H. Barrios, Brazil

  • Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG), Brazil

CLICAP: Integrating Lung Cancer Genomics in Latin America (12 min.) 

Andrés F. Cardona, Colombia

  • Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo Cancer Treatment and Research Center (CTIC), Colombia.

The Duffy Antigen as an Experience in Personalized Medicine (12 min.) 

Lucy Godley, USA.

  • Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center, USA

Discussion (Q&A) (20 min.) 


Iscia Lopes-Cendes

  • Chair and Member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Genomics (TAG-G).

Alejandro Ruiz