Policy development from an integrative perspective (Webinar 3. Series on the Essential Public Health Functions)

Policy development from an integrative perspective (Webinar 3. Series on the Essential Public Health Functions)
Niño en balsa

WHEN: 12 July 2021, 10:00 a.m.  to 12:00 a.m. (EDT)

Despite the progress made in recent decades in health systems in the region of the Americas, with increased health financing, coverage and technological advances and greater health services infrastructure, many countries are experiencing structural deficiencies in responding to the complexity of the problems caused by the covid 19 pandemic. 

The crisis of the covid 19 pandemic brings with it not only epidemiological and social challenges, but also questions the limitations of the institutional and political capacities of State and civil society to assume and strengthen the response to the challenges like the covid-19 pandemic. 

Responding to the health emergencies with a comprehensive and integrated approach requires enhanced policy development and implementation within a good legislative and regulatory framework for a stronger public health. Any comprehensive response will need to embed public health actions within health security and health systems strengthening efforts, while enhancing intersectoral collaboration to address the social determinants of health and protecting and promoting the right to health without obstacles.

The renewal of the essential public health functions is based on the values of health as a human right, solidarity and equity, and incorporates the framework of the "policy cycle" composed of the stages of assessment, policy development, resource allocation and access, which serve to identify and develop the institutional capacities that health authorities must strengthen to address population health problems and their determinants.

A rights-based approach to policy development assumes the creation of an enabling environment in which the right to health and other human rights can be exercised and enjoyed by all without discrimination. It also entails supporting the beneficiaries (rights-holders) in actively participating in the elaboration of policies, legislation and their implementation and monitoring. 

In the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030 (SHAA2030) endorsed by the Ministers and Secretaries of Health of the countries of the Region and adopted at the 160th session of the Executive Committee (2017) of PAHO/WHO, it is stated that this Agenda is aligned with PAHO´s commitment to mainstreaming human rights into health programs and policies at both the national and regional levels, considering the underlying determinants of health to be part of a comprehensive focus on health and human rights (Paragraph 11).

As part of the series of seminars on the essential public health functions, this webinar will address issues related to the "policy development" stage, with the objective of deepening the debate on policy formulation processes with a comprehensive and integrative perspective that includes individual, collective and social determinants of health, and an analysis that allows the recognition of the progress and challenges of legislative and regulatory frameworks that facilitate this approach with a perspective of health as a fundamental human right.  



Alejandro Morlachetti. Legal advisor on Human Rights.  (PAHO/WHO)  

Ernesto Báscolo.  Advisor on Health Governance, Leadership, Policy and Planning. (PAHO/WHO). Institutional capacities of health authorities and EPHF

Mukesh Chawla. Adviser for Health, Nutrition and Population at the World Bank. Public Health Policy Agenda from a global perspective

Senator Mario Fiad. President of the Health Committee of the Senate of Argentina. Legislation in public health and strengthening of health systems. 

Oscar Cabrera. Program Director of the Healthy Families Initiative, at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown University.  PAHO/WHO Collaborating center. EPHF agenda from a Human Right perspective. 

Ignacio Ibarra. Legal Advisor on Health-Related Law (PAHO/WHO). Closing remarks 

Video Policy development from an integrative perspective (audio in English)

Webnote: PAHO organizes a meeting to debate the development of health policies with an integrative perspective

Visit the webpage: Webinar series on Essential Public Health Functions