U.S. and PAHO donate cold chain equipment to guarantee the safety of routine vaccines in Guatemala

Donación de refrigeradores y equipo para DAS

29 noviembre de 2022 –One hundred freezers and ten spare parts kits to secure vaccine were donated to the Guatemalan Ministry of Public Health and Assistance by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) with the financial support of the United States.

The equipment will be used to store routine vaccination doses at local health centers.

The storage capacity of this equipment is 225 liters (0.2225 cubic meters), which allows the for 5,000 to 8,000 vaccine doses to be kept at the recommended temperature (+2°C to +8°C). In case of failure or interruption in the power supply, this equipment can safeguard the cold chain for up to 55 hours.

PAHO/WHO is supporting the Guatemala Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance in strengthening the country’s cold chain, as well as its COVID-19 vaccination programs.

"On behalf of the Guatemalan people, I thank the United States for this donation through the Pan American Health Organization. It will enable us to ensure that vaccines that reach the population. We believe that together, we can improve the health system and ensure it reaches every Guatemalan,” the Minister of Health, Francisco Coma, said.

"As a trusted partner of Guatemala, we remain committed to helping Guatemalans overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. This donation of refrigerators will assist frontline staff in their vital efforts to provide vaccines at the local level throughout Guatemala. We thank PAHO for facilitating this contribution and their collaboration to protect health in Guatemala,” U.S. Ambassador to Guatemala, William Popp, added.

PAHO/WHO Representative in Guatemala, Gerardo Alfaro, highlighted that "this donation allows us to reinforce the cold chain with the latest equipment, bringing vaccines closer to the communities where they will be applied. This will substantially improve the efficiency, timeliness, and quality of care at the primary health care level. We are very grateful to the United States for the trust placed in PAHO and for its sustained support to the development of the Guatemalan Health System."