Join us on Friday, 14 January, at 12 noon (AST) for a live conversation with experts to present the publication "Doing what matters in times of stress: an illustrated guide. Adapted version for the Caribbean".The conversation will be broadcast on the PAHO Caribbean Facebook page (@PAHOWHOCaribbean) and PAHO´s Twitter account (@PAHOWHO).
There are many causes of stress, including personal difficulties (e.g., conflict with loved ones, being alone, lack of income, worries about the future), problems at work (e.g., conflict with colleagues, an extremely demanding or insecure job) or major threats in your community (e.g., violence, disease, lack of economic opportunity), and the challenges in facing the COVID-19 pandemic.
Doing What Matters in Times of Stress is a WHO stress management guide for coping with adversity. The version to be presented in this conversation is an illustrated adaptation for the English-Speaking Caribbean countries, published by the Caribbean Development Bank and the Pan American Health Organization.
- Mr. Dean Chambliss, Subregional Program Director, Caribbean, PAHO/WHO.
- Dr. Renato Oliveira e Souza, (WDC), Unit Chief, Mental Health and Substance Use, PAHO/WHO.
- Dr Claudina Cayetano, Regional Advisor for Mental Health, PAHO/WHO.
- Dr Martin Baptiste, Office in Charge, Social Sector Division, CDB.
Moderator: Ms. Lisa Bayley, Communications Consultant, PAHO/WHO
- DATE: Friday, 15 January 2022
- TIME: 12:00 pm (AST) [see time correspondence below]
- Facebook: @PAHOWHOCaribbean
- Twitter: @PAHOWHO
- 10:00 am. – Belmopan
- 11:00 am – Kingston, Nassau, Port-au-Prince, Washington DC
- 12:00 pm. – Bridgetown, Castries, Georgetown, Kingstown, Port of Spain, St. John´s
- 1:00 pm. – Paramaribo
- 5:00 pm. – Geneva
For other cities, check the time in the following link.